Organizing a Book Club
Students co-facilitate a book club discussion around a course-related book.
Why Use This?
This discussion is interactive and encourages individual thought and contribution. Students play the role of discussion facilitators to drive peer engagement and build community within the course.
How Does It Work?
The instructor assigns student facilitators for each discussion using the following method:
If your last name begins with:
- A-F, you will facilitate Discussion 1
- G-L, you will facilitate Discussion 2
- M-R, you will facilitate Discussion 3
- S-Z, you will facilitate Discussion 4
Once the discussion facilitators are assigned, each facilitator is responsible for an initial post and responding to at least three classmates; this keeps the conversation flowing. Student participants must make an initial post and are encouraged to post as often as they would like. Note: In this example, students were only required to read certain chapters that aligned with the course objectives.

It’s time for our first set of book club questions. Please respond to each of these. Looking forward to your thoughts!
Discussion Questions
- What do you think about the construct of libertarian paternalism?
- Is is possible to avoid influencing people’s choices?
- Use clean, professional writing.
- Review the attached rubric for guidance on post quality.
Keep In Mind
- Assign (student) book club facilitators each week.
- Clearly explain the role of a facilitator so the conversation each week is substantive.
- Make participation a graded activity.
- Pick a book that brings academic concepts to life in an engaging, real-world way.
- Encourage facilitators to have questions prepared ahead of time each week.
- Request feedback from students at the end of each book club to make sure the book remains relevant.