Giving Students Options to Explore and Artwork’s Cultural Relevance
Students are given two options to complete an assessment in which they explore the ways that art encapsulates cultural meaning at a particular time and place.
Why Use This?
Giving students options is always a good thing for learner agency and motivation. It also makes grading more interesting and varied for the instructor.
How Does It Work?
Students write an essay exploring the cultural relevance of an existing artwork or create their own artwork and discuss its implications regarding intercultural communication. The purpose of this assessment is for students to appreciate the symmetrical relationship between art and culture.
In addition to this assessment, many of the other course assessments give students options for how to complete them. Another assessment gives students the choice between writing an essay and producing a video. Likewise, many of the written assessments have two prompts so students can choose what they write about.

Assessment: Explore the Cultural Relevance of a
Work of Art
Every culture can be represented by its artistic creations. In a sense, the work of art encapsulates the meanings of a
culture at a particular time and place. The purpose of this assignment is to understand the symmetrical relationship
between art and culture.
Culture involves surveying the traditional forms of the past and choosing what best can be utilized in the present. In this
sense, as Mathew Arnold argues culture moderates the best of the past into the present and then pushes it forward into
the future. Art comprises the aesthetic relationships of symbolic form. In other words, art involves the placing together
of stimuli to convey some type of dramatic or creative meaning. In this sense, works of art are historical and speak to a
unique time and place but also influence who we are now. For example, one of my favorite poets is Claude McKay. He
was a writer during the ‘Black renaissance’ of the early twentieth century. He wrote poems related to Black culture such
as ‘The Lynching’ and ‘Harlem Dancer: His poems both capture and represent the Black culture of 100 years ago and
inform our understanding of Black culture today.
Choose one of the following options
Option A: Explore the cultural relevance of a work of art.
Utilizing the concepts of art as discussed in your readings such as aesthetics, the muse as cultural memory, materialism,
philistinism, the meme, taste, art and cultural evolution, creativity, dramatist, and style, please choose a work of art and
articulate its cultural meaning. You may choose a song, poem, statue, painting, dance, movie, etc. Make sure to define
and appropriately apply terms from your readings. Please include a link to the work of art that you choose.
Option B: Create a work of art and discuss its intercultural communication implications.
You may create a work of art with intercultural meaning. You may write a poem, make a film, compose a song, write a
short story, paint a picture, arrange a photo montage, mold a sculpture or develop any original artwork that you find
significant and important with respect to intercultural communication. If you choose this option, please include a
150-300 word paragraph to unpack the aesthetic work’s intercultural meaning. In your paragraph, briefly articulate the
relation of the work of art that you create to class concepts you found interesting. This assignment is deliberately open
and vague to give you as much freedom as possible to create something unique and meaningful. Please make sure you
have clearly justified how the artwork connects to course concepts, through the artwork and written statement.
Keep In Mind
- Consider using a single rubric that applies to both options for an assessment.
- To mix things up, consider including an assessment where the entire class must answer the same prompt.

Explore the Cultural Relevance of a Work of Art Rubric
Criteria and Ratings
Use of Language
10 to > 7.0 pts
Meets Expectations
Correctly defines key terms and
includes appropriate supporting
7 to > 3.0 pts
Partially Meets
Correctly defines concepts
but lacks supporting
3 to > 0 pts
Does Not Meet
Misses key terms that display a lack of understanding
10 to > 7.0 pts
Meets Expectations
Clearly describes artwork and
includes appropriate supporting
7 to > 3.0 pts
Partially Meets Expectations
Clearly describes artwork but
lacks minor supporting detail
3 to > 0 pts
Does Not Meet Expectations
Unclear/fragmented description of artwork
Application of
Concepts to
10 to > 7.0 pts
Meets Expectations
Fully and correctly applies
intercultural communication
concepts to artwork
7 to > 3.0 pts
Partially Meets
Partially applies
communication concepts
to artwork
3 to > 0 pts
Does Not Meet Expectations
Does not adequately apply
intercultural communication
concepts to artwork
Total Points: 30