Encourage students to use AI in ways that promote critical thinking.
Students compare an AI-generated podcast with the source document used to create it.
Students input their draft, the assignment instructions, and the rubric into at least two generative…
Students make a broad claim about their research topic and use at least two AI…
Students complete a short quiz on basic course expectations, including AI use, at the beginning…
Students take one paragraph from a research paper they have written for the course and…
Students debate a topic with a generative AI chatbot, trying to persuade it to their…
Students are given the instructor’s perspective on using AI in a creative writing course, detailing…
Students are surveyed about how they are currently using AI in their professional and academic…
Students engage in a simulated role-playing activity where AI acts as an imagined colleague, manager,…
Students use an AI tool to change the voice of a written draft, specifically adjusting…
Students can use AI to help them create marketing material as part of their final…
Students receive instant feedback on their quiz questions and answers, with the feedback drafted using…